Switching to Natural Skin Care - Part 2
Mar 26th 2015
As a reminder, I met Maura while doing a demo at a local health food store. She was skeptical at first but we had a long conversation about how Frangipani could help her skin. She wanted all of her products to be completely safe. She wanted them to clear up her adult acne problems. She wanted a porcelain complexion for her upcoming wedding. You can read the beginning of the story here.
At about 4 weeks, I received an email from Maura to update me on her skin. She was using the Blemish Serum daily and hadn't used any benzoyl peroxide products. She had a rough week in the middle due to some hormonal fluctuations but was letting her skin settle into her new Frangipani product.
"The best, most consistent part of using you Blemish Serum is that my skin is SO MUCH less red and irritated now. I feel like my alabaster/pasty-white-Irish skin has returned."
She was still using her RetinA at night and planned to continue for another month. At that point, she planned to wean herself to every other night.
At the 6 week mark, Maura emailed to say she was a little frustrated. She still had some bumps along her chin and was seeing some redness. She was going to postpone her weaning from the RetinA for another month. I was a little sad to hear this but wrote her back stressing patience.
The next email from Maura made me smile. She had been so excited to email me but wanted to wait until the 8 week mark.
"Eight weeks today using Frangipani! And something has shifted! It's like somewhere between weeks 6 and 8, my skin just chilled. I still have a couple lingering spots under my chin but the necessity for cover-up is almost nil and my face is soft and not nearly as red anymore."
The last part of her email was the best.
"I've stuck to the skincare routine and my skin has made me the healthiest version of myself. All thanks to your products."
Next time, I will finish Maura's story and give you some tips on how to make the same transition for yourself!